We've been married almost 18 years (wow, look how young we are in our engagement picture). When I write that, it seems like so long, but the time has really flown. Chrissom and I met through my aunt who conveniently lives next door to his family. She’d tried to set us up before Chrissom went to Missouri for two years to serve our church, but nothing came of it. When he left on this service mission, she and my mother got serious about setting us up. She wanted me to write to him and my mother insisted that I do (I’m sure you know how mothers can be). So I grudgingly wrote him a very sarcastic letter. Lucky for me he wrote back. We wrote back and forth and spent those two years that he was away getting to know each other. When he got home, he wanted to date me right away. I was in the middle of finals and put him off until after his homecoming (he’ll never let me live that down, claiming school was more important than true love). I was very nervous to actually meet him but when I saw him talking and laughing with someone I thought, “yep, that’s my Chrissom.” We dated and were soon engaged. The rest, as they say, is history.

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