Chelsea is my best friend. I love to see Chelsea laugh. I know that if she is laughing everything is going to be OK. Chelsea has always had a big heart and has a loving mothering nature about her. She is a wonderful mother to Zackary. Chelsea is always thinking up something fun for Zackary and Madelynn to do. She can turn the dullest of chores in to a good time. Our nephews come over to play and they end up washing the dishes and still have a good time. One of our nephews has said that he wishes that Chelsea had chosen him to be in our family like Zack. Chelsea is very creative and can make just about anything. Her sister volunteered her to create a flower display even though she had never really done it before. And of course it turned out beautiful. Chelsea sews, draws, and I think that she can create anything. Chelsea is a great cook, although sometimes she gets a little creative with her recipes when we are out of certain ingredients. One time Chelsea made meat loaf and she was out of regular oatmeal so she used banana oatmeal instead. We didn't eat more than a few bites because no one likes banana flavored meat. We still laugh about it. Chelsea and I have a lot of great memories together and have a lot of funny stories to tell. Chelsea has always been a good example to me because she has a strong belief in God and a desire to follow our Savior Jesus Christ. I know that our children will see that in her and their belief in God will be strengthened by her example. Chelsea has always been there to give me encouragement when I need a boost, her help when I couldn't do it by myself, her understanding when I need it most, and her time when I need to talk. Chelsea has given more to me than I can ever repay and Zackary, Madelynn and I are blessed because we have Chelsea.

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